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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

English Tip # 10 Being Understood

English Tip # 10 Being Understood

If you're struggling to get someone to understand you, try the tips below:-

•Speak more slowly (not louder!)

•Keep it simple. Use words that are most common. For example, if you want to say cat, don't use the word feline.

•Keep it simple. Use basic sentence structures (subject/verb/object).

•Don't worry about pronouns, instead use the names of people you are talking about.

•Use a lot of hand gestures. "Do you mean up?" Raise up your hands to help the person understand the word.

•Use sound effects. You may feel silly, but if you are trying to tell someone that something exploded, using the sound "Ka Boom!" will get your point across!

English Tip # 11 - Learn Synonyms

English Tip # 11 - Learn Synonyms

Synonyms - are words that mean the same thing. When you have learnt a new word see if there are any synonyms for it. It expands your vocabulary and it will make your English more interesting and less repetitive.

There are several online dictionaries that can help.

Yet again using flash cards as a memory aid can help. Write the word you know on one side of the card and the most common synonyms for that word on the other side. See how many you can remember

English Tip # 9 Learn to learn

English Tip # 9 Learn to learn

You never finish learning, nor do you ever finish learning how to learn.

•Think and work independently don't depend solely on your teacher or trainer.

•Develop a love of learning.

•Have a vision that motivates you.

•Participate in any related activities.

•Help others to learn.

•Learn from your mistakes and failures.

•Keep a sense of humour.

•Don't give up!

Post English Tip # 8 - Learn from your mistakes

Post English Tip # 8 - Learn from your mistakes

We all make mistakes, so we need to learn to accept them as a fact of life. Making a genuine mistake does not make you any less of a person.

If anyone gives you an unnecessarily stressful time about making a mistake, remember they will have made just as many mistakes as you, if not more. The question 'May I congratulate you on never having made a mistake in your life?' is a useful answer here (just not to your teacher)!

Never making a mistake means never living life to the full.

More useful lessons are learnt from mistakes than from successes.

Children learn to walk because they get up when they fall, not because they stay down.

Repeat each morning that to risk failure is to court success.

English Learning Tip # 7- Learning Vocabulary

English Learning Tip # 7- Learning Vocabulary

Learn words in context

Research shows that the vast majority of words are learned from context. To improve your vocabulary pay close attention to how words are used. Doing a search on a word using Google or DejaNews (for searching newsgroups) will give you many examples of how that word is used in context.

Post English Tip # 6 - Reflect on what you are learning

Post English Tip # 6 - Reflect on what you are learning

Try to recall what you have learnt as you are taking a class as well as afterwards. Try different ways of studying the material. Think about applying these new concepts to your work situation. From time to time, review the classes you have completed as a refresher. Do some of the exercises you did a few months ago, and see if you've improved your score.

English Tip # 5 - Talk to yourself

English Tip # 5 - Talk to yourself

Talk to yourself

Talking to yourself is no longer the first sign of madness - it's the first sign of excellence.
"Self-talk" can help you to become more fluent. And the great thing is - you can do it anywhere: in the bath, in the car, while you're taking the dog for a walk.
Try to put a regular time aside every day when you can talk to yourself in English. Talk about what you did yesterday, what you are doing, about interesting things which have happened to you and the things you're planning to do in the future.

Post Learn English Tip's #4 - The most commonly used words in written English

Post Learn English Tip's #4 - The most commonly used words in written English

The most commonly used words in written English

(Source: American Heritage Word Frequency Book)
1. The
2. Of
3. And
4. A
5. To
6. In
7. Is
8. You
9. That
10. It
11. He
12. For
These might be the most common words, but they're also the ones that will probably give you the most trouble, knowing them is one thing, knowing how to use them quite another.

Learn English Tip's #3 - Take responsibility

Learn English Tip's #3 - Take responsibility

Take responsibility

It's easy to expect your teacher to teach you English, but that's not how language acquisition works. The teacher is there to present English to you, but you have to learn it.
After all, you wouldn't expect a waiter to eat your dinner for you, or a barman to drink your beer for you.
I was always very clear with my students. In the first lesson I would tell them I wasn't there to teach them English, I was there to help them learn it. There is a difference. So, once you've been presented with new English words or vocabulary, it's up to you to use it, review it, even play with it. It's the only way you'll get it to stick in your brain and start to make sense

Learn English Tip's #2 - Practice makes perfect

Learn English Tip's #2 - Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect

OK - so you've started. Now what?

Now you have to practise - a lot.

Have you ever worked out how many years it took you to gain your current level in your native language?

Don't forget you had exposure to that language 24 hours a day seven days a week. Now work out how many hours that was.

So, if you think you can learn all the English you need in an hour and a half a week - think again. Don't get me wrong, it's fine if you only want to learn certain phrases for travelling or fun: "Two beers please", or "Hello my name is ...", but if you want to become truly proficient, you've got a long way to go.

You can do a lot by yourself, you can rehearse conversations and explanations you might need to use in real life, but then you have to get out into that real life. Luckily with the internet you can do a lot online. Find a friendly native speaker who would like to learn your language, or learn about your culture, if you can't do that you can do a lot by finding a language buddy, someone who is learning English and is on a similar level to you. Finding someone who is better than you certainly helps, and once you are more proficient find someone who needs your help too.

Just remember, English is a living language, you need to live it

Learn English Tip's #1 - Start!

Learn English Tip's #1 - Start!

If you don't start, you'll never finish.
The longer you put it off, the more likely you are to give up. So start. Now.
Find an English class.
Find some English learning software or books.
Join an English learning forum.
Begin learning the English alphabet (ABC) and numbers (123).
Learn the vocabulary for your hobbies or interests.
Do something. Do anything.
Once you've started - don't stop.

The auditory learner

The auditory learner

Do you learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say?
Do you interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other nuances?
Does written information have little meaning until you hear it?

Learning Tip - you may benefit from listening to the radio or listening to text as you read it. You could try reading text aloud and using a tape recorder to play it back to yourself.
The Tactile/Kinesthetic learner

Do you learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around you?
Do you find it hard to sit still for long periods?
Do you become distracted easily?
Learning Tip - you may benefit from taking an active part in role plays or drama activities.
Other English Learning Tips

Travel to an English speaking country:-

* England is only a few hours flight away.
* Specialist holidays are available to improve your English.
* Take an English speaking tour or activity holiday.

Spend your time on things that interest you. If you like cooking then buy an English-language cookbook or find recipes on the net and practise following the recipes. You'll soon know if you have made a mistake!
Keep something English on you (book, newspaper or magazine, cd or cassette, set of flashcards) all day and every day, you never know when you might have 5 spare minutes.

If you are too tired to actively practice just relax and listen to an English pop song or talk radio station

How to improve your English skills

Learn English

How to improve your English skills

Learning Skills | Grammar | Vocabulary | Listening | Speaking | Reading | Writing
Other Tips

My most important piece of advice is: "Do something (anything). If you don't do anything, you won't get anywhere. Make it your hobby, not a chore, but above all have fun!"
Don't be in too much of a hurry. You're setting off on a long journey and there'll be delays and frustrations along the way. Sometimes you'll be in the fast lane and other times you'll be stuck in traffic, but there will also be lots of interesting things and interesting people along the way. Take your time to really enjoy the experience.
There are many ways to improve your level of English, but only you can find the right way for you. Here are a few tips that might help:-
Improve your Learning Skills

Learning is a skill and it can be improved.
Your path to learning effectively is through knowing

* yourself
* your capacity to learn
* processes you have successfully used in the past
* your interest, and knowledge of what you wish to learn

Motivate yourself
If you are not motivated to learn English you will become frustrated and give up. Ask yourself the following questions, and be honest:-

* Why do you need to learn/improve English?
* Where will you need to use English?
* What skills do you need to learn/improve? (Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking)
* How soon do you need to see results?
* How much time can you afford to devote to learning English.
* How much money can you afford to devote to learning English.
* Do you have a plan or learning strategy?

Set yourself achievable goals
You know how much time you can dedicate to learning English, but a short time each day will produce better, longer-term results than a full day on the weekend and then nothing for two weeks.
Joining a short intensive course could produce better results than joining a course that takes place once a week for six months.
Here are some goals you could set yourself:-

* Join an English course (and attend regularly).
* Do your homework.
* Read a book a month.
* Learn a new word every day.
* Visit an English speaking forum every day.
* Read a news article on the net every day.
* Do 10 minutes listening practice every day.
* Watch an English film at least once a month.
* Follow a soap, comedy or radio or TV drama.

A good way to meet your goals is to establish a system of rewards and punishments.
Decide on a reward you will give yourself for fulfilling your goals for a month.

* A bottle of your favourite drink
* A meal out / or a nice meal at home
* A new outfit
* A manicure or massage

Understanding how you learn best may also help you.
There are different ways to learn.

The visual learner

Do you need to see your teacher during lessons in order to fully understand the content of a lesson?
Do you prefer to sit at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions (e.g. people's heads)?
Do you think in pictures and learn best from visual displays including: diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos, flipcharts and hand-outs?
During a lecture or classroom discussion, do you prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information?

Learning Tip - you may benefit from taking part in traditional English lessons, but maybe private lessons would be better.

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